The State of Adult Education and Training in Bulgaria

The modern labor market is changing intensively as a result of the rapid development of science and technology, the globalization of economic development and the transformation of social structures in society. In these conditions, the main factor for the enterprise prosperity is the availability of human resources adequate in terms of education, qualification and competences and their effective management. Education and training help workers to fulfill their creative tasks, to more fully utilize their creative abilities, to develop and increase their potential. In this context, the purpose of the development is to investigate, within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Concept, the main indicators characterizing the education and training of adults in Bulgaria during 2012-2021. The research methods used are the method of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison, statistical methods, graphic method. Results were obtained characterizing the state of education and training of adults in Bulgaria during 2012-2021. 15

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The Twentieth Century – Economic and Political Illusions

The century was shaken by two world wars, and Europe by two revolutions with fatal results for humanity, politically and economically. Both revolutions solemnly proclaimed that they were breaking the shackles imposed on society by old economic laws to create a uniform classless community—illusions that led to grave catastrophes in the twentieth century. The strange Twentieth Century continues, and until the end it will present surprises and pass the baton to the Twenty-first, mine and yours! It is my hope and yours that earthlings have become generally smarter and more loving towards each other! Strange century, strange centuries, crowded with strange revolutions, carried by strange men! 2.

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Challenges in Utilizing the Labor Potential in Bulgaria in a Market-Oriented Economy

The development examines basic and current problems related to the creation of elements of a civilized labour market in the process of reforming the economy. The realization of labour potential reflects the general situation in the economy. In the course of decades of reforms, the labour potential of the country is devalued. Changes in the structure of employment as a whole, reflecting changes in the structure of production, are clarified. A point of view is indicated, according to which the growth of negative phenomena in the sphere of employment is explained by the slow pace of market changes in the sphere of labour. The issue is not the inadequacy or inconsistency of market reforms, but that market liberalization itself is fundamentally insufficient for a “breakthrough in the new economy”. 10

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Some Aspects and Comprehensive Solutions for Tourism Management in Protected Areas

Activities related to tourism in the protected areas are of key importance for the development and survival of the industry. It is no coincidence that the same are characterized by a great contribution and an important factor for the formation of additional incomes /and even a prerequisite for survival, especially in crisis conditions/ for the local communities. This type of specialized tourism, among scientists, specialists and businesses in the industry, is most often popular in the form of ecological, green, natural, responsible or sustainable tourism. 6

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The ‘Bulgarian’ Tsarigrad and the Trade Activities of Bulgarians in Tsarigrad in the Second Half of the 19th Century

In the second half of the 19th century, Constantinople became a center of attraction for Bulgarians – artisans, merchants, business and intellectual elite. The Bulgarian community in the Ottoman capital grew at a rapid pace, many commercial, economic and all kinds of other organizations were created, which participated in the struggle for ecclesiastical and political independence and contributed to the spiritual growth of the Bulgarians, supporting the education of the Bulgarian youth. All this bears fruit at a later stage – in the process of building and developing of liberated Bulgaria. 10

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Wages in Bulgaria – The Problem is not in Redistribution, but in Productivity

This text was written on the occasion of the adoption of the “Analysis of the current state of wages in Bulgaria – conclusions and recommendations” by the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria. The analysis is indicative not only for the state of wages and incomes, but also for the unenviable state of social dialogue in the Republic of Bulgaria. One of its biggest flaws is its fixation on the issue of the country‘s minimum wage. Based on the available statistical data, the author claims that the minimum mothвщ salary (MMS) does not grow adequately and sustainably in relation to labor productivity and the average wage, because the growth of the MMS exceeds the growth of Labor Productivity. Growth in the minimum mothly salary (MMS) is outpacing growth in average wages, both at national level and relative to private sector remuneration. It is shown that Bulgaria has very good indicators regarding the dynamics of employee compensation, in particular the ratio of employee compensation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Considered for the European continent in two historical periods – from 2005 to 2016 and from 2005 to 2021, Bulgaria has the largest growth in the share of employee compensation in relation to GDP. Bulgaria has an extremely stable trend of increasing the share of employee compensation in relation to GDP, while for many countries in Europe, serious fluctuations, including a general decrease, are observed during the period 2005-2021. The convergence between the case in Bulgaria and those of the EU27, EU28 and the Eurozone is clearly visible, which confirms the thesis that as far as the redistribution mechanisms and the share of compensation of the employed in GDP are concerned, Bulgaria has performed excellently in the last 17 years. All this shows once again that in Bulgaria the problem is in the size of the GDP, and not in the ratio of the compensation compared to the GDP. Bulgaria is distinguished by a high value of the ratio of minimum monthly salary to gross domestic product per capita (MMS/GDP) compared to other EU countries for 2020, where there is a regulated minimum monthly wage. If we take into account the existence of additional pay for time served and professional qualification, Bulgaria ranks first in the EU in terms of this indicator. As a typology, the MRP/GDP ratio for Bulgaria refers to “Old Europe” and not to “New Europe”, as paradoxical as that may sound. If we compare the average monthly salary (AMS) in Bulgaria with the minimum monthly salary (MMS) and respectively the average monthly salary (AMS) for the countries of the European Union that have a regulated average monthly wage, it will be seen that for Bulgaria this ratio is completely satisfactory. If we work in a comparative European plan, Bulgaria is not at all “in the queue” according to the MMS/AMS indicator. If additional remuneration for time served and professional qualifications are not taken into account, Bulgaria is in 13th place out of 22 countries, together with the United Kingdom. If the additional remunerations are taken into account, Bulgaria climbs to 12th place, and before it there are four other countries with very close values of the MMS/AMS parameter. The data on the MMS/AMS ratio also supports the conclusion that the problem in Bulgaria‘s income policy are not the redistributive mechanisms. The conclusion is that the primary task for the Bulgarian economy and before the income policy is the increase of GDP, which can be a consequence of the increase in labor productivity on the first place. The latter, of course, should be the work of both workers and employers, supported by an adequate state policy of supporting the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy. 29

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Toxic Leadership – Is It Leadership Indeed and How to Deal with It?

The leadership is a managerial style, having a strong impact on the followers which are ready to follow their leader. The question arises if toxic leadership can be defined as a leadership in this case. The paper presents the essence and possible types of toxic leadership. What is more, techniques to deal with such destructive leadership style are discussed. 5

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Administrative Barriers in the Implementation of the Gasification Development Program in the Republic of Bulgaria

This report is oriented towards tracking and analysis of the Legislation in the process of realization of gasification in the Republic of Bulgaria. It reflects the views of the author regarding the guidelines, specific actions, responsible institutions and deadlines ensuring the implementation of pre-defined, qualitatively and quantitatively measurable goals. The development is based on the presumption that the update of the Energy Strategy, as well as the obligation to develop a National Program, including a road map and an action plan under the new conditions of the gas market, are of key importance. The challenge of dealing with crisis situations requires urgent legislative initiatives in the field of gas supply, flexible and simplified administrative procedures. 10

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Trends in the Development of Organic Agriculture in Bulgaria for the Period 2014-2020

Development of organic farming is a top priority for EU Member States, including and for Bulgaria. The official statistical agricultural data in the development, for the period 2014 – 2020 and the analyses and conclusions made, show that it does not develop at the necessary pace. Additional administrative measures and scientific and practical mechanisms are needed to achieve more effective results in the application of organic farming in Bulgaria, which lags behind growth rates relative to most EU countries. 13

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Challenges and Prospects of Employment in the Industrial Sector in Bulgaria

This article has been developed based on the existing situation in the country related to Covid 19 and employment issues in the industrial sector. The regularities that give rise to the decrease in employment in the country, the impact of the pandemic, which had a serious adverse effect on the industry sector, and in general on the entire economy in the country, have been revealed. The Covid 19 crisis contributed to the reduction of the employed workforce, forced the closure of many large enterprises, shaped new behavior and a new way of working in industry. The problems faced by all employers completely changed the work process of the society. The efforts of enterprises are aimed at preserving and increasing jobs, promoting and revitalizing businesses and transforming them into sustainable and working economic entities. 12

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A descriptive review of effective leadership models

Organizations can strengthen leadership skills and encourage deeper engagement at work by offering a variety of development opportunities ranging from on-the-job learning and mentoring to more formal virtual training or leadership development programs. Furthermore, many scholars pinpoint two important issues. The first one is that in the workplace manager’s influence can be reflected in employees’ happiness. The second but equally important is that there is not an ideal leadership method under which a manager will guide his team to get the best results of the team. In this sense, the leader that knows his personality and working style will establish his personal approach of leadership by creating a structured model under which his inferiors execute the asks assigned by making any adjustments or improvements necessary in the meantime. Writing this article, the author aims to suggest the most appropriate model relative to the leader’s goals. 15

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