Guidelines for publication in the “Yearbook of College of Tourism – Blagoevgrad”

The Yearbook of College of Tourism – Blagoevgrad accepts articles by Bulgarian, English and Russian languages. Materials submitted for publication must be original and not previously published or in process of peer-review and preparation for publication in other publishers. Authors declare this by completing a declaration of authorship (PDF \ Word). After acceptance, the article is subjected to language and style editing by appropriate language.

The layout requirements for submitted texts are as follows:

  • the papers submitted for printing must be between 10 and 30 typewritten pages (1 typewritten page contains 1800 characters) – for articles and 5 to 15 pages for reviews etc.;
  • the title – clearly and precisely formulated, relatively short – should be written in the original language of the article and translated into English language;
  • the author’s name should be written in the original language of the article and in English language;
  • have an Abstract of up to 20 lines in the original language of the article and in English language. The abstract should present concisely and clearly the subject and object of the study, the methodology, show the results of the study (conclusions, interpretations, and generalizations);
  • after the abstract, the key words in the text should be written in the original language and in English – minimum 5;
  • JEL classification to be indicated. For details see here;
  • imagines, tables, diagrams, and charts (if any) to be placed in the correct place in the text, numbered consecutively and have annotating texts – tables above the tables themselves and figures below them;
  • formulas are created with Equation Editor;
  • archive material to be cited in footnotes;
  • citation of sources and literature used should be according to the so-called Harvard short reference system. For details see here and here;


  • when citing literature, apply transliteration of authors’ names from Cyrillic to Latin according to the Streamlined System. See here for details;
  • when citing literature, translate Cyrillic titles of publications into English language, then indicate the original in square brackets. Use the original English language titles of articles and journals if available, or translate professionally, not freely!
  • The author(s)’ name(s) are cited in the text, spelled according to the Streamlined System.